12 Free Tips for Increasing Blog Traffic in 2023

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increase blog traffic

Do you have a blog? Do you have an audience or traffic on your blog? One thing is clear though, no blogger will say they have maximum traffic on their blog and even those successful bloggers are still trying to increase and maintain the audience they have attracted.

Read: How to Start a Blog?

Be among the smart bloggers by looking at these few insights on increasing your audience and maintaining those you have. They are generally the standard pointers that many bloggers take for granted.

If well considered they can do wonders for your blog audience growth. Try them today.

How to Increase Your Blog Traffic?

Increasing or driving traffic to your website is not a cup of tea. Many bloggers work hard day and night but still cannot drive traffic to their websites. Working smart can lead you to success than working hard. Hence, we have compiled a list of 12 smart ways to drive traffic to your blog for free.

  1. Build an email list.
  2. Use of social sharing button.
  3. Create awesome content.
  4. Make your blog readable on mobile devices.
  5. Target your blog for search engines.
  6. Comment on other blogs that are in your industry.
  7. Reply to your readers’ comments.
  8. Include a subscription form on your blog.
  9. Offer an incentive for people to subscribe.
  10. Host your own webinar.
  11. Write a good title for your posts.
  12. Write controversial posts to attract attention.

1. Build an Email List

The process of gathering email addresses from visitors, customers, and other clients of a business is known as email list building.

Online email list building can be done through website pages, pop-ups, embedded signup forms, and social media accounts. These emails can be used to generate traffic to your website.

build email list

You can watch Neil Patel’s video on “How to Build an Email List Fast and for Free?”

2. Use of Social Sharing Buttons

Social media is a powerful tool for generating blog traffic. In fact, it is often the leading source of eCommerce traffic, outperforming traditional media in terms of driving visitors to your website. By utilizing social media, you can reach a large audience and convert visitors into sales. To optimize your social media strategy for driving traffic to your website, consider the following steps:

  1. Optimize your social media profiles: Make sure your profiles are fully filled out and include relevant keywords.
  2. Engage with your audience: Interacting with your followers and responding to their comments can help build a loyal community and drive more traffic to your website.
  3. Post consistently: Regularly posting new content, including viral content like memes, can help keep your audience engaged and encourage them to visit your website.
  4. Share visual content: Visual content like images and videos can be more engaging and effective at driving traffic to your website.
  5. Use social media advertising: Targeted ads on social media can help you reach a specific audience and drive more traffic to your website.
  6. Use hashtags: Including relevant hashtags in your posts can help them reach a larger audience and drive more traffic to your website.
  7. Collaborate with influencers: Partnering with influencers in your industry can help you reach a larger audience and drive more traffic to your website.
  8. Promote your blog: If you have a blog, use social media to promote your new posts and drive traffic to your website.
  9. Optimize your social media profiles for SEO: In addition to optimizing your website for SEO, make sure to include relevant keywords in your social media profile descriptions and include links to your website.

Read: Side Rail Ad

3. Create Awesome Blog Content to Drive Traffic

As they say, “Content is the king, Design is the queen”. Your website must have some unique and engaging articles to drive traffic to your blog.

Don’t know how to create excellent blog content for your website? Well, we’ve got you covered.

You must give priority to titles, descriptions, images, and the length of your blog post to make it engaging and reader-friendly.

write good content for blog

High-quality content is essential for driving traffic to your website. To create engaging and reader-friendly blog posts, it’s important to focus on the titles, descriptions, images, and length of your content. Here are some tips for writing effective blog content for SEO:

  1. Aim for longer posts: When it comes to SEO, longer posts tend to perform better because they contain more information. Aim for at least a 1500-2000 word article if you want it to rank on the first page of search engines.
  2. Keep titles short and keyword-rich: The ideal length for a blog post title is 60 characters. To optimize your titles for SEO, include a digit, use adjectives like “best” or “top,” and include long tail keywords.
  3. Use images wisely: Adding images to your blog posts can enhance the reader’s experience, but be sure not to overdo it. Choose high-quality, relevant images and optimize them with descriptive file names and alt tags.
  4. Consider the reader’s experience: Keep your readers in mind when writing your blog posts. Use headings, bullet points, and short paragraphs to make your content easy to scan and read.

By following these tips, you can create compelling and SEO-friendly content for your website.

4. Optimize Your Website for Mobile Devices

Designing and developing your website so that it functions just as well on mobile devices as it does on desktops is known as mobile optimization. Mobile optimization is more crucial as customers use their smartphones to view websites.

optimize website for mobile

Why is website optimization for mobile devices important?

Here are a few reasons why your mobile presence is essential to your business:

  • Sites that are mobile-friendly rank better in search results.
  • Mobile searches account for more than half of all Google.com searches.
  • Visitors are five times more likely to leave your site if it is not mobile-friendly.

Google suggests you take a look at these elements to best optimize your website for mobile devices.

5. Search Engine Optimization Equals Blog Traffic

The technique of improving your website for search engines is known as search engine optimization.

Webmasters generally use two types of SEO techniques: On-Page & Off-Page SEO.

Read this article for On-Page SEO Techniques: On-Page SEO Checklist

You can learn Search Engine Optimization from the bottom up by following the SEO guide by moz.com.
Not only can this help you build your site or business, but it will also help you to learn a new skill.

Read Here: Beginner’s Guide to SEO – Moz

6. Connect With Other Blogs of Your Niche

Reaching out to bloggers and famous people in your niche is one of the best strategies to improve your web presence. People are willing to help you grow, whether it’s by sharing material or writing a product review.

By networking with like-minded bloggers, you may expand your readership, grow your audience, improve your reputation, and create valuable connections.

connect with bloggers same niche

Commenting on their blog posts is a great way to start interacting with them. You can slowly mail them about your blog and butter them with some kind words like “I love your blogs”, “You are my inspiration” etc.

Likewise, link their blog posts on your site to let them know that you are reading their blog posts. You can also share their content on your social media accounts to develop a better relationship with them. And yes, Don’t forget to mention them while you post.

Additionally, you can share guest posts with each other and link back to your site. This way you can also increase the Domain Authority of your blog by backlinking.

Pro tip: Join Facebook groups of like-minded bloggers and niches. For example, if you write about Insurance; search Insurance Writers on Facebook to get connected.

7. Reply to Your Readers’ Comments

The next step is for you to review and respond to each comment left by your readers.

This step is equally crucial since it shows that you value your readers’ feedback and it increases their love for your site by responding to their comments. Obviously beneficial, no?

This can change visitors who were merely occasional readers into frequent visitors, or what is more frequently called loyal readers.

Don’t respond to every comment if there are too many coming in. Just respond to truly urgent comments, like those that are in the form of questions.

8. Add Email Subscriptions to Your Blog

While social media is one way to connect with your audience, email is still the most reliable communication.

It gives you a direct connection to your readers because you can email subscribers whenever you want. Plus, you have control over email, whereas you have very little control over social media platforms.

email subscription blog

You may believe that adding an email subscription option to your website is difficult, but it is not.

With all of the email marketing software available today, getting started is as simple as a few mouse clicks.

For a more detailed article on how to add an email subscription to your blog, you can read this article from wpbeginner.

Read: How to Add Email Subscriptions to Your WordPress Blog

9. Offer an Incentive to Your Readers to Subscribe

Most of the visitors come to your blog just to find the answer to their questions. They may not be interested to subscribe to your blog if they are new.

In this case, you need to use the fishing technique. What I mean by that is, when you go fishing you have to tangle some worms to your hook to attract the fish. Likewise, you need to offer an incentive to your readers to get them to subscribe to your blog.

What to offer?

Well, you can offer them giveaways of Iphones and Laptops if you are rich enough. JK! ?

You can offer them free email guides, your webinar links, special discounts, and offers on your products to attract them.

website offers

But remember, don’t promise them something that you can’t offer. If you do so, the trust of your readers towards you and your blog will be decreased.

10. Host a Webinar

A webinar is an expression for a “web-based seminar.” A webinar session is an online interactive presentation.

Attendees can join and follow the webinar presentation from any device and location in the world. All you need is a computer with an active internet connection.

webinar hosting

Bloggers can conduct webinars to interact with their readers, get their feedback and develop a good relationship with them.

How to host your own webinar?

Follow the steps mentioned in the image below to host your own webinar. Enjoy!

11. Write Good Titles for Your Posts

The title of the article is the first thing your visitors will notice, especially new visitors looking for information.

Consider this: when someone types a keyword into Google to get an article, what do you think he or she will choose from the countless references available? Is it the design or the content?

Certainly not; the first thing he notices is the title of the article.

Errors in article title writing might make words you’ve worked hard to write in your content less helpful because few people desire to click on them.

Remember these points while writing a title for your post or article. Your title should be:

  • Clear and easy to understand
  • Not more than 60 letters
  • As unique as possible
  • Include interesting words like best, top, and great
  • Use only the “You”. Example: “6 Easy Ways You Can Create Interesting Article Titles
  • Use long tail keywords
  • Use numbers

12. Write Controversial Posts to Get Clicks

If you’ve been working hard for a long time on your blog but can’t achieve the traffic you’ve dreamed of, it’s time to do something different.

Will you click on a post with the title “Donald Trump Car Crashed, He’s Fine” or “See How Donald Trump Survived Death”?

Of course, you’ll click on the second one as it is more controversial. You’ll be keen to find out what happened and click on the post right after looking at the title.

This is the technique of getting visitors by writing a controversial post title. As the title is a little different and sounds controversial, you’ll get tons of comments and your post will get more traffic because of this.

It will be a shame if you get tons of traffic and still cannot utilize it to make a bundle of cash.

Hence, we have compiled a list of the 10 best ad networks for publishers. You can read the following article to choose the best ad network for your website and start earning.

Read here: Best Ad Networks For Bloggers


In conclusion, the key to driving traffic to your website is creating high-quality, unique, and appealing content. It’s also important to give your blog a visually appealing design and engage with your audience by responding to comments and queries. Remember, organic traffic from search engines is the most valuable, as it helps to establish your website’s authenticity and authority.

If you found this article helpful, please leave a comment and consider sharing it on your site or social media to help other bloggers increase traffic to their websites. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments section below. Thank you for reading!


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